Ever had a problem selecting a proper mixer? PerMix is here to help you how to approach this problem and what necessary questions one should ask to arrive at the proper choice of the mixer.

It is really important to know the material characteristics of the powder you are mixing. Is it sticky/lumpy or free-flowing? If it is lumpy then one can provide choppers to eliminate lump formation. With the free-flowing powder, not much problem is experienced.

The next step is to know whether the liquid is going to be part of the process or not? If it is then one needs to select the mixer in such a way that it has the proper amount of empty space above the material bed to promote efficient liquid addition.

Does your mixing process require additional processes such as shearing, cooling, reaction or heating? The shearing process can be required when one wants to eliminate the stickiness in the product and heating/cooling are required when the desired product is required is at lower/higher temperature vice-versa.

Does the installation sight have any space constraints? If the space is an issue in terms of footprint area then one can go for vertical mixers but for that the head room required is on the larger side. Similarly when the headroom is constraint one can go for the horizontal mixer.

Does your product have any requirement of specific standards? According to the requirements, different standards are available like CIP (Clean in place) and SIP (Sterilization in place). They are generally used for food-grade ingredient mixing and in the pharmaceutical industries.

We have tried to summarize a few of the points in this article. Do let us know if you have any specific questions related to the mixer in the comment section below.
